Monthly Archives: June 2016

Summer 2016 Update

Praying Friend,

  Precious greetings from Freetown, Sierra Leone. God has called believers to be His HANDS and FEET on earth. This is what the Vocational school for the vulnerable is demonstrating. The bible and it’s teachings continue to have a strong root in all activities in the school, and at the same time has a very strong practical out let in the lives of the students. Many girls are experiencing spiritual transformation everyday, with a social implication on their lives.
 CATERING DEPARTMENT:  Even though this department is hard to run and operate because of the many demands, yet, it continues to thrive in the school. It is gradually capturing the attention of the outside community because of the quality food it provides. Invitation to cater for some important organizations is now at the door of the school.
 WEDDING: The department recently catered for a wedding ceremony organized in favor of one of the longstanding and dedicated staff member. The wedding cake was superb. The department also produced flower sticks for the page boys and flower bags for the page girls. A clear public demonstration of what the school can do practically. Girls in training are becoming experts in their areas of interest. At the end of their studies they would gain employment or become self employed; leading to SELF SUSTAINABILITY.
 PRAYER POINTS: Your fervent PRAYERS and concern continues to be paramount in the existence of the school. THANK YOU!
 1. Pray for the construction of a permanent school building. There is an acute need for it, as the school is growing in number. The land is available.
 2. That the Lord would provide scholarship for vulnerable girls in training.
 3. That the Holy Spirit would continue to do the work of spiritual transformation in the lives of all students in training.  Many are coming from Muslim background.
 4. That the Lord would continue to endow wisdom, patience, courage and spirit of resilience on the Proprietress (Mrs Adama Viola Fornah) and staff.
 THANKS for taking your precious time to read this update. We would deeply appreciate your concern and possible partnership in bringing about HOPE, DIGNITY, WORTH and VALUE to many African girls. We always value your concern and love.
  Please take time to view PICTURES Uploaded in the Picture Page.  Keep in touch and God bless you all!
 Yours for the Sierra Leone-an Harvest,
 Warren and Adama Viola Fornah.