Monthly Archives: July 2016

Transformation Taking Place July 16

Hello Praying Friend,
 Greetings from Freetown, Sierra Leone. The Lord has blessed us with heavy showers of rain. There is a positive statement: “PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT”. This statement has a true bearing and effect on girls in training in the Center for Empowering the Vulnerable Vocational Institute. The adage which says “an idle mind is the devils workshop” has no room in the school.
 The months of June and July has been quite busy for all departments, especially, sewing and catering. Students at all levels (1st and 2nd year) have been on practicals, for the purpose of exam and eventual field work. Respective family members and various communities where they are coming from have been deeply impressed with their productions. THANKS to the hard working and dedicated staff who are instilling DIGNITY, VALUE and WORTH in these Sierra Leone-an girls. The girls in training have a very bright future,
One of them remarked in joy “I never knew I had a strong potential in me. My production as an effective caterer has taken away inferiority from me. I am getting sustainable and can stand on my own” Each student in training has a positive testimony to give (both spiritual and skills transformation).
 The entire practical aspect is quite an expensive one. This is largely due to the fact that the economy is deteriorating every day, with adverse inflation. This has an adverse effect on escalating prizes in the market on all commodities, especially food. However, ,the good Lord keeps providing MIRACULOUSLY for the girls and the school administration.
 The school is presently on a short break and would resume in early September. Meanwhile, we would continue to solicit your prayers and concern for the following:
1. Scholarship provision for the vulnerable girls in training. Many more want to enroll if they have scholarship provision.
 2. Pray for a continued spirit of courage and resilience on the ten dedicated staff,
 3, That the Holy Spirit would continue to quicken and transform the lives of the girls in training.
  4. Pray for timely funding to construct a permanent school building on the available school land.
 THANKS once more for taking time to read this update. Your PRAYERS and PARTNERSHIP cannot be overemphasized. You may have some further questions for clarifications, please feel free to ask them.
 Sierra Leone is in dire need of spiritual and moral transformation. We love and appreciate you. Keep us posted on what God is doing in your life, business, family or ministry.PRAYING FOR YOU AND YOURS!
Please go to the Photos page to see the updated pictures uploaded THIS July 2016!
 Yours for the Sierra Leone-an Harvest,
  Warren and Adama Viola Fornah.